Free parking is available north of the KU Edward Best Conference Center (see map below).
Registration and breakfast start at 7:30 am both days. Opening remarks start at 8:15. Show up early, have a hot breakfast, and network with the brightest Lean Agile thinkers in KC.
Please dress comfortably. We are a casual community!
Have questions, ideas, conundrums about agile? Bring ideas and questions to share during our Open KC sessions.
Join us for our Social Hours both days! There will be great food and drinks provided. It will be a great opportunity to network with other Agilists and celebrate the day’s learnings.
If you have a special need during the conference, please see the Registration Table. We will do our best to accommodate your request.
We will have a hot, protein-based breakfast. Lunch will be an assortment of boxed lunches. At 4:30, we celebrate with heavy appetizers, beer, and wine.
Coffee, tea, and water will be served all day. Sodas are available for lunch. Prefer water from your own bottle? Bottle filling stations are available at KU Edwards facilities.
Special Needs: If you selected a dietary preference when you registered, a boxed lunch will be set aside for you. Please give your name to a lunch server.
Please read our Code of Conduct policy.
Follow and contribute to the conference hashtag #LAKC18 and @leanagilekc for more conversation and Lean Agile thinking.